Prioritizing Happy

When I was around 20 I consciously — by that I mean with intention — began my quest for personal transcendence (aka enlightenment) by learning about people who displayed remarkable abilities. I soon discovered a few commonalities among these individuals, even though there were profound differences in cultural and religious background and non-religious practice. I was especially struck by the need for secrecy.

It was not unusual for those who had claimed to know the ways of transcendence, or even those who were just believed to possess this coveted information, to prefer they and their knowledge remain hidden. I also learned there were agreements by those who achieved “enlightenment” to share this knowledge with only a select few — and then, only under certain conditions. Though this need for secrecy has eased to a considerable degree, many families and larger communities still do not take kindly to those who openly declare their attainment of “greater knowledge,” and even less kindly toward them when they give up the sacred secrets.

Cautionary restrictions on sharing one’s own personal “greater knowledge” — and even pronouncing it within select groups privy to secret hand codes, ambiguous language or chants — strikes me as being antithetical to the reason for being human, and also anti-spiritual. But I realize the adherence to secrecy has basis in reality; admitting to spiritual achievement may cause individuals to suffer as outcasts, to be thought of as delusional, or worse yet, to be viewed as living under evil influence and possibly harmed or killed.

History has shown that an easier and surefire way for mystics to be protected is for them to remain silent about their knowledge and expanded abilities — silent about their spiritual experiences.

This fact took on a special poignancy at one of my most successful signings for my book, We are Here for a Purpose: How to Find Yours.

I had left my seat to take a short break from the long line of people who had kept me signing books for several hours. Just as I exited the restroom, an adult male suddenly approached me and blocked my passage. Because he had invaded my personal space I tried to step aside, but as I moved he just drew closer.

I was taken aback when he began accosting me with a tirade of menacing accusations and threats, but somehow I stood firmly grounded. I returned his glare with direct eye contact, feeling as if I were enveloped in polished armor. The essence of what I recall having told him was that he was uninformed, that he did not know me at all and it was he who was not aligned with Truth. When I was finished speaking, I pivoted and returned to my seat to resume my book signing and I saw the man leave the bookstore.

I realized I had been shown the face of real evil, but I had also been provided the way to disarm it and feel safe in Truth.

Those who take up the study of the mystical branch of Judaism, called Kabbalah, likely will be counseled as I was 18 years ago to not reveal that in public, or to ever self-identify as a kabbalist. That’s not surprising, because for centuries it had been dangerous enough just to be Jewish, let alone to be known as a Jewish mystic with a spirit connection with the deceased. Maybe study of this branch of traditional Judaism has grown in popularity because of the lure of secret knowledge. No longer is it considered exclusively for men at least 40 years of age who are well versed in Torah.

But the teaching I found prevalent in many spiritual, religious and non-religious circles that I think is an even greater inhibitor of spiritual progress than barriers of danger, gender or age is the following sentence: “Those who know don’t say they know, and those that say they know, don’t.” This ridicule of anyone who claims firsthand knowledge of transcendent experiences has effectively kept a tight lid on the sharing of ways to develop. One’s humanity can only be enhanced through the attainment of certain desirable states of mind and body, and in sharing this knowledge others may be inspired to prioritize expanding their abilities or powers.

Many decades ago when I set out to learn the knowledge of the most spiritually wise, I also had a sincere desire to further expand my innate abilities. But I sought this knowledge out as if it were an extra blessing, the icing on my already luscious spiritual layer cake — not because I coveted a reward for pious adherence to complex doctrine or ritual.

Then, as now, expanded abilities often are considered part of the occult, or within a hidden branch of uber observance, often steeped in language that can appear to be intentionally unclear or indirect. So, for the sake of clarity here, I do not describe any of my knowledge or expanded abilities as psychic.

I eschew the word “psychic,” for it has far too many limitations and distortions associated with its use. I hold the same attitude with the word “god,” as that word also easily fails to clearly communicate the user’s meaning. Both words can even have the unintended effect of being exclusionary, particularly toward those who either do not embrace a faith in a creator or are simply ignorant of the value in striving for personal transcendence more than for material wealth.

Since I prefer to avoid words that do not advance understanding, whenever the topic of god comes up and I am posed the question about the existence of god, I tend to respond with a discussion of the more tangible question: What would your life look like with god in it? This applies equally well to a discussion about how to develop psychic abilities.

So first ponder: What would your life look like with developed psychic ability?

Your life would be a reflection of happiness, because happiness is a powerful generator of expanded ability. This has to do with the energy that forms happiness. Happy is a particular vibration of energy that also has a calming effect. When you are in this unique state of what I refer to as “sustained happy,” certain experiences of personal transcendence — such as clairvoyance and bliss beyond googleplex — more readily emerge.

Anything that helps to uplift rather than depress your energy will be beneficial to the goal of expanding your abilities. But the practice of uplifting your body and mind by seeking your unique way to experience sustained happiness, from my personal experience, will help expedite spiritual ability. This will require you to orient your thoughts and actions, using all of your senses, to discern what does and does not bring you sustained happiness. The more sustained happiness, the greater the likelihood you will see a development of abilities — and that then creates more happiness.

Learning to prioritize happy helped me to further develop my abilities, but this was not easy to learn. Actually, it took decades, because no one had taught me this knowledge and I had never come across it in any of my study.

Now, it’s for you to know and share — and that’s about the only part that’s simple.

Giselle M. Massi copyright Sept. 2014; published Sept. 1, 2014 in Edge Magazine