(From the “Opinions” column, as published by the Colorado Times Recorder) Welcome, Come on in. Actually, hurry on in as the hours you will free up by not watching, or participating in, this sport will astound you. As a young adult I slowly began to distance myself from following any…
By Pardoning His Son Hunter, Biden Fails a Spiritual Test
(From the “Opinions” column, as published by the Colorado Times Recorder) I have been asked what my spiritual or ethical take is on the controversies surrounding pardons. Of particular interest is President Biden granting his son what looks to be an even better deal than getting a Monopoly game ‘Get…
One Sticky Tic
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) It is possible I have been infected since birth. I gained a new understanding of this while on a recent trip, even though over the past four decades I have had more than a…
Willing Happiness
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) Epic journeys of a heart’s desire that is propelled by an uncompromising idealism may commence with great hope for arriving: 1) safely at a destination 2) no worse for the wear and 3) with…
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) Writer/Director Brendon Marotta’s “American Circumcision” airing on Netflix may elicit mockery or disinterest from those who think they already know all they need to know or want to think about the topic. These attitudes…
Career vs. Life Oeuvre
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) I was sitting at my wooden desk when my 4th grade English teacher began walking around the room handing out graded homework. Miss Benson was younger looking than some of the other teachers, tall…
Nearing Cemetery Gate
My eyes are getting tired my hair is going gray my teeth appear much longer my naps take most the day I can’t recall last passion’s flare or when I lost the spark I only feel the hours tick and tock my life toward dark To say I cannot see…
Going Home Via Fierce Grace
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) In 1997 a stroke brought death up close and personal to author and spiritual teacher Ram Dass and with it an opportunity to self-evaluate how he had approached his own death. One might expect…
A Thing of Great Beauty
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) For me, the easiest way to begin to restore peace is to speak from the heart, even if blunt honesty or a rebuke is what may be required. But speaking from the heart, well,…
The Light in My Father’s Eyes
I saw everything I did in my life, my father told me while he lay on his hospital deathbed. He then slowly and deliberately lifted his skeleton of a right arm, and moved it in an arc from 3 o’clock to noon. The images of his life review were less…
Meant To Be
(I began writing this piece in 2001, but only recently came across it in my files. This true story fills in essential details of my spiritual history and journey with my Dad and ex-husband.) It was a day like none before or since. Larry had a borrowed kepah on his…
UTMI: A Mighty Disrupter
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) Traditional Judaism advises couples to know each other for at least one full calendar year, going through all four seasons of life cycles and holidays, before marrying. This is wise counsel because we learn…
A Decision Worthy of Grandma’s Wisdom
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) Earlier this year I made the decision to have the major surgery I knew for a decade I might one day require, and was again reminded of wisdom my late grandmother Anna Massa told…
Vageegee Atrophy Remedies Come With High Cost
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) By now millions have seen the ads or heard the TV and radio commercials — directed primarily to sexually-active menopausal and post-menopausal women — touting relief for a condition known as vaginal (vageegee) dryness.…
The Hike
Love your life. Love all of your life. Even the challenges that wear you down — like body building — have a way of bringing muscle growth to the tears that in time bulk you up and make you stronger. Love the challenges until they no longer feel heavy because…
Greener Pasture Protein Shake

Here is my newest, tasty meal replacement creation that is high protein, with a healthy dose of the minerals potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium — and it supports good digestive bacteria with fiber and probiotics. Greener Pasture Protein Shake 4 organic prunes (use Paul Newman’s brand, as they are super…
Airbrushing One’s Heart
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) If you saw on social media a photo that included you and someone you were once in love with, that had airbrushed away any indication of the major significance you once were in that…
Loving Post Menopause with Thyroid Health
Postnote to “Thyroid Wellness With Integrative Medicine” (Number 4 in a series of thyroid columns) The Skinny on Thyroid – Part 1 Loving My Thyroid to Wellness – Part 2 Thyroid Wellness with Integrative Medicine – Part 3 By 2013 I was solidly into post menopause and not on any…
Medical Food
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life. This column was published Nov. 1, 2015 in Edge Magazine www.edgemagazine.net/2015/11/medical-food) Like many who eat to live rather than live to eat, I am joyful about toxic-free, rich-in-calcium-and-omega-3-fatty-acid marvels — and yes, lacinato kale…
A Dose of Understanding
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) To vaccinate or not to vaccinate is frequently the way this controversial topic is framed. I am weary of this “either or” duality, the yin/yang, that attempts to overly simplify a terribly complex subject…
Lotions Potions
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life.) By the time we begin to see the toll aging takes on our complexion, our body has already spent years of considerable effort trying to keep up with the garbage we have exposed it…
‘Tis the Season of Cookies
(From my “A2W Aging to Wisdom” series, explorations of the joyful ways to go through life. This column was published Dec. 23, 2014 in the Daily American www.dailyamerican.com) At about the age of four Kristy Greenwood’s grandmother Rosie welcomed her into the kitchen and began teaching her a special language…
Giselle M. Massi at Gatsby Books
Giselle M. Massi at Gatsby Books, Long Beach, CA for the Speakeasy: Storytelling Show
Prioritizing Happy
When I was around 20 I consciously — by that I mean with intention — began my quest for personal transcendence (aka enlightenment) by learning about people who displayed remarkable abilities. I soon discovered a few commonalities among these individuals, even though there were profound differences in cultural and religious…
On My Surrogate Mother’s Passing
For days and days I resisted, ever since learning of Barbara’s passing, opening the gold treasure chest that sits atop my mirrored antique hutch. This 19th century American made beauty, originally sold for $6 and a number of dry laundry detergent box tops, has been repurposed in my bedroom to…
Beauty in the Beast
In May of 1992 I was a journalist working at The Denver Post. For a period of time I lived in a loft in a building located at the far end of what is called The 16th St. Mall. The mall is actually not a structure, but rather a car-free…
Greener Grass
I walk the trail with you Some days our walk is brutally hard We cry Some days our walk is exquisitely ecstatic We laugh, dance, sing I walk the trail with you The trail forks We choose which way is best not by what brings the least pain but what…
Eye Drops at $86,280.07 + Per Gallon
I mailed the letter below to President Obama in 2009. At the time I felt compelled to contribute to policy discussions on reforming health care and addressing the high cost of prescription medication by sharing my firsthand experience. In 2009 I was blessed to attend Obama’s Commander in Chief Inaugural…
Trust is the Secret Sauce
I was asked, What is this path of virtues so many mystics speak of? One’s actions are not created from the reaction of others; One’s progress can be measured by the expression of one’s interior state of calm and peace whereby the outward expression matches the inner and is sustained…
Poking You to Get on with It
I was reacquainted with my hemorrhoid recently, the one I got exactly three weeks after I had given birth to my daughter at home. That tiny hemo is soon to turn thirty years old. It’s the only residual evidence of an unforgettable labor of sixty hours, a birthing that has…
Spring Love Inspiration
I spent the day painting a bathroom. With each stroke and dip of brush into the can thoughts of you covered me, leaving me white-washed in love. Thoughts of you never leave me and it is during times like now, when I’ve stopped everything to really look at my thoughts…
The only way to stop an addiction is to stop; the only way to be free of an addiction is to let it go. Read that again…to be free of an addiction, let it go. This is not a difficult thing to do, this letting go, once you see and…
A Blueprint of Choices
A dear friend, now in his eighties, has taught me many valuable lessons over twenty-three years. How he transcended his childhood is probably the most powerful lesson. My friend exemplifies what it means to become greater than the sum of your parts, to be able to live a quality life…
Land of Liberty
All the political kvetching of late has made me think it is the newest season of malcontent. Just as it is for those who cycle in and out of the dark moods of bipolar, there are so many folks now who seem to have slipped out of the manic cusp…
Daring Kindness
Dare I suggest this creative/tweak/revision/editing of Dr. Kent M. Keith’s ‘The Paradoxical Commandments’ often attributed incorrectly to Mother Teresa? I was never fond of the repetitive ‘anyway’ so I mercifully zapped it for good. May my lines inspire you to post your own version: If you are helpful, some may…
Salon One: Exceptional Conversation
SALON ONE: Exceptional Conversation is a series of spiritually-oriented lectures and intimate discourse begun by Giselle M. Massi at The Dairy Center for the Arts in Boulder, Colorado. Giselle was a journalist with The Denver Post. She is the author of the books “We are Here for a Purpose: How…
Your Glorious Self
May there be peace within and without. May it begin with you and spread by your healing touch and laughter. May you know deep in your heart that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now as you receive my gratitude for all you mean to me.…
Closure Schmosure
I saw an interview with Kenny Specht of the NYC Firefighter Brotherhood Foundation discussing the word closure with Anderson Cooper of CNN who had indicated dislike of the use of that word. I too struggled and winced at the use of the word closure until I had an epiphany while…
In Spite of This Lesser Self
In spite of this lesser self arise lean into new tasks old problems that face all again sunrise reflecting a collective heart pulses with a desire for our life in spite of this lesser self step grasp lift refine more find what is of value feel what is rich know…
New Kind of Love
I want one new kind of love with you I’ve had the kind that seemed so smart blew my mind broke my heart I’ve had the kind that hit me hard knocked me blind left me scarred I want one new kind of love with you I’ve had the kind…
Gay But not Out to the Family
I delight in the mystery of power, how it arises from seemingly nothing, is as invisible as gravity until it exerts influence upon something else, how it contains both the ability to build and destroy depending on the slightest increments of strength. Denial is maybe the most fascinating power to…
Mining for Gold
I want you to imagine 33 women trapped 2500 feet underground instead of 33 men who are now in that bizarre predicament in Chile. I don’t think 33 women would be taking videos of themselves half nekkked, showing us their table games, singing a national anthem. After nearly 3 weeks…
The Rarified Air of Love and Compassion
Our diverse hiking group included five women and seven men from different parts of the country. Some of us had never met, though four were related to James Rightmire. All of us were representatives for both branches of James’ parents Bill and Rhonda. The eight who were not related by…
Cookies with Butter
I turned on my laptop and there was an email my mother had written that day She said I was special and wanted the whole world to know of her blessing this way So she’d clicked the send button less than half a few seconds a slew of those emails…
The Right Light
I woke up before 3 this morning, headed down to the kitchen and could see through the bay window the dusting of snow on the tree. Just part of the tree was illuminated by an outdoor light off the deck, but enough so that the tree had that Japanese painting…
One Click to the Right
Leaning forward in the optometrist chair, my forehead pressed to the ridiculously large lens contraption that has the tiny cup that holds my chin He asks Is this better or is that better I am asked to choose as he clicks one way to the right or one more to…
See What Love Can Do
see what love can do bridges the gap between me and you all the pains of the past they’ll go by in a flash won’t come back can’t come back never again see what love can do see what love can do it’s only you thinkin’ dark fears you been…
Just Imagine Peace
Four years ago my cousin Paul suddenly died. The details of Paul’s death are there somewhere in the medical and akashic archives but those are not what came to mind today when I thought of him. It was the blue in his eyes that blended so beautifully with the ocean…
The Law of Invisible Consequences
Not many hours before my father died he spoke to me about the life review that occurred weeks before, while he was being transported by ambulance to the hospital. As he was looking out the ambulance window he knew he was about to die. “Lights out” is how he put…
How Do You Stay So Thin?
That question has probably been posed to me more times than the number of calories that are in a Krispy Kreme donut. It’s a reasonable question to ask, particularly of someone with a lean body. My initial response whenever I’m asked how I do it is to give the 35,000-foot…
There was a time, when my computer finished booting up and I logged into my email account, when I eagerly anticipated the happy voice telling me “You’ve got mail.” That was the same great feeling I got years ago whenever I walked down my dirt driveway in Colorado. Back then…
Transcending the Transfer of Addiction
I am neither an expert on substance abuse nor a psychologist. But over the years as I have counseled, worked alongside, or been personally involved with people who have had serious issues with addiction in one form or another – food, sex, drugs (non-prescription as well as prescription), alcohol —…
No More No Less
The idea is simple we are to share give all we have and know It’s no more It’s no less The idea is real only when we hear, only when we care only then it shows It’s no more It’s no less You, me whole of humanity make this idea…
Radical Dishonesty
I received a correspondence from someone I have known for many years, a person who is part of my heart. Injected between the brief news of this and that were distortions of reality. Cloaked as sarcasm were misperceptions of a situation and the involvement of some people I also know.…
Being Better Listeners
It is true that we all need to be heard and want to be understood. Sometimes it is possible to have kindred spirit connections, and sometimes those moments are not long enough even when we do get to experience them with friends or family. I think that is why so…
Where Wounds Can Heal
Trying to help people who don’t want to be helped is draining and unproductive. It certainly was for me until about a dozen years ago. That is when I began heeding my father’s guidance to modify the approach of my spiritual work, and to choose to help those who specifically…
Thyroid Wellness with Integrative Medicine
Postnote to “Loving My Thyroid to Wellness” (Number 3 in a series of thyroid columns) In November 2005 I had my bloodwork done in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the regimen I created for healing my thyroid, a regimen I began October 2004. That is when I chose to…
Trial of Honor
Everything you have brought in to your life has been brought there by fear, if it hasn’t been brought there by love. That is the essence of what I heard a yoga teacher (the exact person I cannot recall) say some months ago, and it rang true. Just as a…
Loving My Thyroid to Wellness
A postnote to “The Skinny on Thyroid” (Disclaimer — All the information I share is not intended as a replacement for the expertise of medical doctors or other health care professionals. Anyone wishing to make changes to their nutritional or exercise program for any reason is advised to first consult…
The Skinny on Thyroid
Two days after I went in for a routine gynecological exam, I got a call from my doctor. I am in that broad time block of life called perimenopause, so the blood work requested was to also include my hormone levels. I had breezed through the medical history profile for…
Unholy Cruise
“It is the curse of humanity that it learns to tolerate even the most horrible situations by habituation.” — Rudolf Virchow, physician Recently I took my daughter on a 7-night cruise to the Caribbean. We were celebrating her graduation from college and acceptance into a wonderful graduate program in public…
The Small Stuff of Dignity
At my father’s hospital bedside, during the end stages of his cancer, I noticed his fingernails were in need of a trim. When I asked him why they were so long he replied he had been asking for two weeks for someone to clip them. I proceeded to groom my…
Giselle and Mike Murphy
This is a recording of the first of several times I was a guest on Mike Murphy’s legendary morning radio show on 710KCMO (Mike passed March 9, 2011). With permission from KCMO radio, I post it here (without commercial interruption, thus the individual tracks marking the order of segments). In…
A Prayer for Pilots, Crews, and Passengers
Growing up on Long Island, not far from John F. Kennedy International Airport, seeing and hearing planes passing overhead was a daily occurrence. So was the prayer my grandmother Anna would say in a voice barely audible. “Please, dear G-d, let that plane arrive safely.” (Editor’s note: people of some…
What is Kabala?
People hear or read that I identify myself as a kabbalist, a student of the Kabala, and frequently I am asked what that means. I do my best to explain why my life experiences resonate with the Jewish mystical tradition of the Kabala. I also explain that what I study…
For the Love of Horses
In learning to ride, one is taught the essentials of how to successfully move through life. It requires balance, patience, cooperation, gentleness, a soft voice, a light touch, to know when to lead by an encouraging word and to know when to let the bigger and stronger lead you to…
Anna’s Golden Twilight
(first published in the Denver Post in 1995) For at least seven years, maybe longer, my Aunt Joanne and I have been expecting her mother Anna, my grandmother, to die “soon.” Anna finally made our prediction come true on an early Sunday morning this past September. Anna, 93, had the…
It’s Always Something
(When my review of Gilda Radner’s autobiography was first published in the Denver Post in 1989, my father was particularly moved, as he was in the process of undergoing cancer treatments. He knew from this writing I had reached a heightened level of understanding and compassion for not only himself,…
Lighter than Air Love
Of all the pleasures my child has brought me, there is one especially endearing. Its passing will be the hardest to accept as she leaves the innocence of her childhood. It isn’t the drama in her facial expression, like she wore the Christmas morning she awoke early. The sky was…
Love’s Fruit
A child is like a ripening delicious apple to be polished with loving strokes, not struck with blows of anger and bruised to be savored to experience the sweetness contained within and to discover the seeds of love stored at the core of the heart which is food for our…